“Blair Athol Properties Pty Ltd”trading as "Blair Athol Estate" referred to as BAP
****All reservations are pending formal approval via submission of NSW or state legislated driving licences and or documents proving residential address within 24 hours of booking. Failing to provide the full documents of these details will result in cancellation. ***
In relation to the current Covid-19 protocol and government compliance, we are encouraged to request a copy of both you and your partners drivers licence prior to arrival. This is now our internal compliance policy to protect both our staff and guests. To confirm your booking please take a photo of your documentation and email this to If you are unable to produce a Licence you will need to send other documentation that confirms your place of residence and is at the discretion of the owners approval. Please note that failing to produce documentation within 24 hrs of the booking will result in cancellation. All guests are required to be fully vaccinated unless appropriate proof of medical exemption provided.